Monday, June 5, 2017

Alt Right Summertime

Well, Summer 2017 is looking to be a lot more chill than we expected a year or six months ago, dare I say even sleepy. So sleepy that terrorist attacks are just another statistical unlikelihood to watch out for, like sharks at the beach. Still, our timeline is a lot more relaxed than John Titor's, not even one nuke. The rest is needed, first of all. Even those who aren't WOKE have had an intense year. The fight has been successful, with I think only one point of improvement, a wisdom to know when to shift from defensive damage control to positive white cultural expression.

Six months ago, the taste of Victory was fresh and we were ready for a fight. A true fight, not running from an extermination full of false flags and FEMA camps. At the Battle of Berkeley, Mike Cernovich forecasted civil war, in effect. It hasn't happened! It's getting hotter and it just feels like people want to chill. Maybe it's because we are all tired, maybe it's the soy in our diets. Those terrible things are still in our collective vibration and the fight is far from over, but any solid gym bro knows how important it is to get rest. Meaningless noise would hurt us right now, but white people don't make noise unnecessarily as much as the other races next door did this weekend. This lull is strategic. So rest, take it easy and enjoy the summer, and let the inspiration of battle strategy flow easily. What is that strategy?

The meme warfare of the 2016 U.S. election was masterful. A 4chan FBI anon said Trump's campaign will be used as a study in psyops for years to come. I believe this, I also believe the strong men desperately desiring to be led intuitively followed his implicit leads. Now there is a quiet unrest in the ranks. Again, we need to just rest! The only person who really understands this I think is Lana from Red Ice. Maybe it's her female intuition and the balance of a husband-wife team who is children minded. So that segways into my point... rest and have a sexy summer, and get spoused up! It's crucial to be psychologically fitted to fight this existential threat. Okay, maybe that's a lot and you can still be a married manlet like Beardson, but it's a good goal. For now, just rest.

The next step is positive cultural expression of the white race. Alt Right types can point out what's wrong but they aren't good at positively expressing/celebrating white culture. It's a completely different gear from what we've been in. Basically, all of the cultural enrichment programs initiatives the Left has been doing for years, we need to do for the white race! Demand white student centers, one for every single freakin' white country! Remember, diversity is code word for anti-white. However, diversity of nations (nationalism) is something they don't generally do because that type of diversity actually strengthens us. It might need to start even smaller. Maybe individuals need to start going on and researching and finding hometowns to go visit. We each need a PERSONAL connection to our roots, amen! A problem is this generic whiteness with no history or personality. You need to know specifically what you are fighting for, the smallest microcosm, as a foundation to build up from.

Rest and remember that you have a birthright, you will miss it if you don't know what it is. Researching family background can be a very rewarding and something to consider while you rest. We still have a birthright, particularly in Western Europe. A birthright is an incredibly powerful thing. Demographics in Western Europe will correct themselves if people wake up and recognize their birthright. For that to happen, you who are awake need to rest now, this Summer. Rest, recuperate, have fun to get ready to be yourself like you have never have before, to be as WHITE as you can possibly be! :)

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